HPC Infrastructure
The following infrastructure hardware is available at the research center:
- MOISE Cloud
- BID Power Cluster
HOST GPU Cluster(decommissioned)InfraGRID(decommissioned)BlueGene/P(decommissioned)
The following infrastructure hardware is available at the research center:
The infrastructure will consists of:
Hardware specifications:
Specification | Description |
CPU | 128x AMD EPYC 7702 2,0Ghz cores |
Memory (RAM) | 1024 GB |
Storage | 2x 480GB SSD local harddrives |
Inter-connect (storage and communications) | 2x 25GbE adaptors |
Other connectivity | 10GbE Internet, 2x1Gbps management |
Specification | Description |
CPU | 48x AMD EPYC 7352 2,3Ghz cores |
Memory (RAM) | 256 GB |
Storage | 2x 480GB SSD local harddrives |
Inter-connect (storage and communications) | using 2x 25GbE adaptors |
Other connectivity | 10GbE Internet, 2x1Gbps management |
Specification | Description |
Storage capacity | 214 TB hybrid (46TB SSD / 168TB SAS) |
Storage Connectivity | 8x 25GbE |
Proiect cofinantat din Programul Operațional Competitivitate 2014-2020 (POC/398/1/1) - Modernizarea infrastructurii de calcul și stocare a Centrului de Cercetare în Informatică al Universității de Vest din Timișoara pentru oferirea de servicii de tip Cloud și servicii de calcul de înaltă performanță (MOISE) - https://moise.projects.uvt.ro
Hardware specifications:
Specification | Description |
CPU | 160x Power9 3,6Ghz cores |
GPU | 4x NVidia V100 16GB GDDR5 with NVLink |
Memory (RAM) | 314 GB |
Storage | 2x 960GB SAS local harddrives |
Remote storage | using 2x 40Gbps QDR adaptors |
Inter-connect | 2x 40Gbps QDR Infiniband |
Connectivity | 10GbE Internet, 2x1Gbps management |
Specification | Description |
CPU | 160x Power9 3,7Ghz cores |
GPU | 4x NVidia V100 32GB GDDR5 with NVLink |
Memory (RAM) | 633 GB |
Storage | 2x 960GB SAS local harddrives |
Remote storage | using 2x 40Gbps QDR adaptors |
Inter-connect | 2x 40Gbps QDR Infiniband |
Connectivity | 10GbE Internet, 2x1Gbps management |
Specification | Description |
Storage capacity | 1 PB (PetaByte) |
Storage Connectivity | 4x 100Gbps FDR Infiniband and 4x 10GbE |
The HOST Project aimed:
Notice: HOST GPU Cluster was decommissioned.
To accomplish these goals the current infrastructure was extended/upgraded with:
Specification | Description |
CPU | 2x Intel Xeon 3.46Ghz |
GPU | 1x NVidia Tesla M2070Q (448 cores, 6GB GDDR5) |
Memory (RAM) | 32GB |
Storage | 2x 250GB NL-SAS local harddrives |
Remote storage | using 2x40Gbps Infiniband; |
Inter-connect | 2x 40Gbps FDR Infiniband |
Connectivity | 10GbE Internet, 2x1Gbps management |
Specification | Description |
Storage capacity | 600x 300GB SAS harddrivers; 18TB total raw storage |
Storage connectivity | 8x 8Gbps FC (with the IO nodes and 2x 40Gbps Infiniband into the network) |
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement FP7-REGPOT-2011-1 no. 284595
The InfraGRID project aimed to setup a grid-services orientated infrastructure in order to support complex research projects and technological transfer.
One of the main objectives was the acquisition of the computational cluster.
Notice: InfraGRID Cluster was decommissioned.
IBM BlaceCenter-H hardware specifications:
Specification | Description |
CPU | 112x Intel XEON 2.00Ghz, 4x cores/CPU (448 cores in total) |
Memory (RAM) | 1GB/core |
Storage | 145GB SAS local harddrives per blade server; |
Remote storage | using 4Gbps FiberChannel Fabrics; |
Inter-connect | 40Gbps QDR Infiniband |
Connectivity | 10GbE Internet, 2x1Gbps management |
This computing resource has been co-funded by the European Commission through the POSCCE program, contract no. 41 / 11.05.2009 (InfraGrid Infrastructura Grid Orientata spre Servicii). For more information regarding other programs co-financed by the European Commision please visit: www.fonduri-ue.ro
UVT’s BG/P consists of an fully loaded single BlueGene/P rack that has move than 1000 CPUs and 4TB of RAM memory. It can offer a 11.7 TFlops sustained performance.
Notice: BG/P Supercomputer was decommissioned.
BlueGene/P rack hardware specifications:
Specification | Description |
CPU | 1024x Quad-Core PowerPC-450 850Mhz |
Memory (RAM) | 4GB/CPU and 4TB installed memory |
Storage | IBM DS3524 SAN with a total of 15TB installed storage; |
Inter-connect | 3D-Torus network at 40Gbps |
Connectivity | 10GbE Ethernet |
This computing resource has been co-funded by the European Commission through the POSCCE program, contract no. 260 / 28.09.2010 (Institutul de Cercetări Avansate de Mediu (ICAM)). For more information regarding other programs co-financed by the European Commision please visit: www.fonduri-ue.ro